Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 00:04:31 +0900
マグロ激減説で知られるRansom Myersは54歳だと思います。しばらく前から健康を害していると聞いていましたが、危篤状態になったようです。皆さんもくれぐれもご自愛ください。彼のサイトにメッセージを残すことが出来ます。回復を祈念します。
This is unbelievable news to me. I met RAM at Reykjavik last June. He was very active and looked well. Two weeks ago, Boris wrote me, Ram was very tired from receiving radiation. I feel Ram's family are also very tired from nursing. His has young children.
First I met Ram at Montrey probably in 1996, Ram looked for raw data of Japanese fisheries. I met him again at Esbjerg in 2000. He was very kind to me and invited me into F-MAP group. He invited me Halifax in 2002. We celebrated his 50th birthday party. Ram suceeded to get raw data of Japense longline fisheries, to analyze the data, and to publish a big result. Ram also succeeded to get his young colleagues. RAM has a strong team at Halifax for FMAP.