Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 19:30:30 +0900
●生態リスクCOE 第49回公開講演会
開 催 日時 : 2010年8月23日(月) 14:45-16:15
開催場所:横浜国立大学 環境情報研究院3号棟101号室
◆Integrating Science, Policy & Local Communities: A 21st Century Paradigm for Marine Eco-Risk Management(題名決定)
◆Speaker :Dr. Michael P. Crosby - Senior Vice President for Research Mote Marine Laboratory (
Scientific evidence has cast doubt as to the sustainability of many marine natural resource uses and management practices employed during the 20th Century and continuing today. Numerous cultural challenges between scientists, natural resource managers, and the public inhibit sharing or understanding of information and trust. During much of the 20th Century, these challenges were ignored in great part because marine habitats and resources had been assumed by many stakeholders to be almost unlimited, and that if one habitat became degraded or a particular fisheries resource depleted, there always would be another to replace it. However, it is clear that fisheries collapse if overfishing occurs or critical habitat is lost. Industry and energy facilities often have detrimental effects on the environment, and sometimes cause negative impacts on themselves. Tourism will not flourish if the area loses its natural aesthetic qualities.
The ability of marine ecosystems to exist in balanced harmony with naturally occurring competing/limiting physico-chemical and biological agents has been severely challenged in the last several decades by the dramatically increased negative and synergistic impacts from poorly managed anthropogenic activities. These types of risks to the long-term sustainable use and conservation of marine ecosystems are typically managed with strategies to accept, reduce, and/or mitigate them. In addressing these threats, a paradigm shift may be occurring in the evolution of the role of scientists in society from simply observers of the natural world with tenuous linkages to resource managers and the public, to partners in modern society’s quest for answers to pressing questions related to sustainable use and conservation of marine resources. A growing number of insightful groups and programs are advocating that optimal eco-risk management strategies employ an integration of scientific method, public consensus building, and an adaptive management. Management principles are beginning to include human motivation and responses as part of marine ecosystems being studied and managed.
One of the key recommendations that has been put forth for future natural resource management principles is to include human motivation and responses as part of the system to be studied and managed. Participation of all stakeholders in developing and implementing marine natural resource management strategies better ensures long-term sustainable uses and conservation of marine ecosystems because the stakeholders will feel more “ownership” of the management decisions made. Positive interactions among scientists, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, indigenous
groups, and other community members can improve partnerships and shared anagement of natural resources. Working together, scientists, managers and local communities can develop priorities and strategies for societal and economic decisions that are strongly coupled with an increasingly comprehensive understanding of the environment. This in turn will lead to both socio-economic and marine ecosystem health.