
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 02:25:39 +1200
1.Millenneum (Ecosystem) Aeessment Reportを参照してほしい(セッション7と私が企画しているセッション9に対して)末尾にある該当箇所のメール写し参照
2.「reshwater fish biology and ecology, Fish habitatを入れて欲しい」(これはセッション1,9,6がかかわる)
順に説明します。We planned the following subsessions:

  • Sub-session 9-1. Species/genetic diversity and conservation
  • Sub-session 9-2. Ecosystem conservation and management
  • Sub-session 9-3. Community-based management reconciling with conservation
  • Sub-session 9-4. Biodiversity census
  • Sub-session 9-5. Adaptive management of cetaceans and tunas
  • Sub-session 9-6. Limnology and biodiversity

1. Refer to Millenneum (Ecosystem) Aeessment Report
This report has been widely distributed in Japan. A big survey project for sustainability about biodiverisity (both marine and terrestrial ecosystems) refers to this report, and I am an advisor of this report. This report will be published both in Japanese and English (http://www.e-squareinc.com/news/n050530.html, sorry written in Japanese).
However, I am unsure a pessimistic view of future fisheries (rather than agriculture), as I told in the 4WFC at Vancouver. Possibility of sustainable fisheries depends on fish species. MA does not survey status of every fish species. Anyway we must propose how to manage marine ecosystems. Therefore we have proposed subsessions 9-2, 9-3. In addition, Subsession 9-4 is renamed to "Assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services." Census is a trivial tool for this subsession and others.
2.「reshwater fish biology and ecology, Fish habitatを入れて欲しい」(Subsesion 9-6 can be renamed to "Freshwater fish biology and ecology" but I think this may exclude freshwater species other than fish. Why is the present subsession name bad? Subsession 9-2 is renamed to "Ecosystem and habitat assessment and management".
Revised subsessions
Session 9 Biodiversity and management

  • Sub-session 9-1. Species/genetic diversity and conservation
  • Sub-session 9-2. Ecosystem and habitat assessment and management*
  • Sub-session 9-3. Community-based management reconciling with conservation
  • Sub-session 9-4. Assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services*
  • Sub-session 9-5. Adaptive management of cetaceans and tunas
  • Sub-session 9-6. Freshwater fish biology and ecology*

possible satelite symposia

  • 9-7 tunas
  • 9-8 salmons and trouts
  • 9-9 eels
