4/4 国際シンポジウム「不確実性の下での生物保全計画」

タイトル:Biological Conservation Planning under Uncertainties
日時:4月4日(土) 10:00~17:30


  1. 10:00-10:10 Opening remarks(宮下 直,東京大学
  2. 10:10-11:10 Mark Burgman(メルボルン大学)“Dealing with uncertainty in population models: how to fill information gaps and make good decisions when information is scarce”
  3. 11:10-11:40 Anca Hanea(メルボルン大学)“Quantifying uncertainty with structured expert judgement”
  4. 11:40-12:10 横溝裕行(国立環境研究所)“Optimal management strategies to control deer populations in Chiba prefecture using a spatially explicit model”
  5. (12:10-13:30 昼食休憩)
  6. 13:30-14:00 Cindy Emma Hauser(メルボルン大学)“Smart search strategies to eradicate an invasive weed”
  7. 14:00-14:30 李 貞憲(九州大学)“Coupled social and ecological dynamics for herders in Mongolian rangeland”
  8. 14:30-15:00 北門利英(東京海洋大学)“Conservation and management of the Kuril harbor seals off Cape Erimo”
  9. (15:00-15:15 休憩)
  10. 15:15-15:45 竹中明夫(国立環境研究所)“Extinction risks and conservation area prioritization for Japanese vascular flora”
  11. 15:45-16:15 松葉史紗子(東京大学)“Forecasting future diversity and distributions of butterflies under climate change in Japan”
  12. 16:15-16:45 西嶋翔太(横浜国立大学)“A novel biodiversity footprint based on extinction risks to evaluate the effect of international wood trade”
  13. 16:45-17:05 矢原徹一(九州大学)“Conservation planning under uncertainty: lessons from conservation practice in Japan and SE Asia”
  14. 17:05-17:30 Discussion(松田裕之,横浜国立大学