Japanese activities in MAB The 4th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves
- 3/13PM MSG 戦略 松田(横浜国大)
- 3/15AM Workhop EABRN 只見BRの紹介
- 3/15PM Workshop Mountain 飯田(国連大)
- 3/16AM Workshop Scientific Networking 酒井(横浜国大)
Side events
- 3/16PM 多重登録の協同Synergies between multidesignations in biosphere reserves 飯田(国連大)、中村(白山)、田中(東大)
- 中米回廊Contribution of International Organizations and Cooperation Agencies to the -Implementation of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor 長谷川(JICA)
International Coorinating Committee
- 3/18-20 MAB-ICC 拡張申請(白山BR、屋久島・口永良部島BR、大台ケ原・大峯山・大杉谷BR)
問合せ先 松田裕之