Pew Marine Conservation Fellowship

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:43:46 +0900
○○先生 ありがとうございます。私の日本時間今朝未明の「受賞」のニュースが早速お目に触れるとは、望外でした。○○先生が最初です。
 私のように捕鯨賛成派に、海外の財団からMarine Conservation Fellowship をいただけるとは望外でした。認識を改めました。

The Shiretoko Peninsula in Japan was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005 because of its importance in providing habitat to a number of endangered and endemic species marine and terrestrial species. Hiroyuki Matsuda – the first Pew Fellow from Japan – is using his fellowship to develop a Marine Management Plan for the Shiretoko World Heritage (SWH) site. The project is in response to a request by UNESCO that called for a marine ecosystem management plan for the SWH by 2008. Matsuda’s project will serve as a case study for adaptive management of marine ecosystems and co-management of coastal fisheries. He and his colleagues will determine which species and factors will be monitored, how these data will be evaluated, and how the benchmarks specified by ecosystem managers will be sought.

The group will accomplish these goals by first choosing interim indicators and benchmarks of ecosystem management. For example, the total population size of Steller sea lions and the number of individuals that visit the SWH area, the local population size of several sea birds, including Steller sea eagles, and the size of walleye Pollack stock will be used as benchmarks. Matsuda will then build a mathematical and bio-economic model that includes several important species and incorporates stochasticity and uncertainty. The group will monitor some indicators that are not already being monitored by the SWH office, such as the stomach contents of sea lions and benthic fauna and flora. Monitoring results will be presented on an English/Japanese web site. Finally, the project will include an evaluation the role of co-management activities and their effects on ecosystem management for the Shiretoko Fisheries Association. The team will make recommendations regarding adaptive management actions based on these results.

Matsuda’s project will advance the study of adaptive management of marine ecosystems and will challenge the idea that it is not possible to establish appropriate management benchmarks and associated indicators of success to achieve ecosystem objectives. The resulting Marine Management Plan will protect the unique ecosystem and inhabitants of the Shiretoko Peninsula.