A Global Representative System of Marine Protected Areas: (1995)という文書があります(Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority、The World Bank、The World Conservation Union (IUCN)の3社によるらしい)その中にMARINE REGION 16: NORTHWEST PACIFIC by F. Simardと言う章があります。そこの表16.1には日本の海洋保護区の数が、法制度別に記されています。
Table 16.1 - Number of MPAs in the Northwest Pacific Marine Region (Japan)
- 58 Marine Parks (あとの記述を見ると国立公園と国定公園)
- 1 Nature Conservation Area(西表島)
- 54 Fisheries Resources Protected Areas(水産資源保護法による)
途中では以下のような記述があります。From this situation one might conclude that Japan has the most efficient nature protection system in the world, and that the Japanese coast is still almost in a natural state. Unfortunately this is not the case.
The situation in Japan is therefore one where neither the Marine Park or Fisheries Resources system are adequate as a MPA system. Given the high population density and the long tradition of exploitation of coastal fishing grounds it would seem that a nature conservation orientated system may not be practical. Adaptation of the Fisheries Resources system, in the same way that has been achieved for forest protection by the Forest Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, may provide a greater chance of success for conservation and sustainable development of Japan's coastal areas.